
"Innamorati... della Tramvia": Art, Music and Theatre for opening of the T2
February 14, 2019

Toscana Cultura 2013-2018: 6 years dedicated to art and culture
December 21, 2018 - January 5, 2019

The Life Beyond Tourism Movement companies at ICLAB
November 23, 2018: B2B with buyers from China
November 24, 2018: "Waiting for Christmas" market

"Eccellenze del Made in Italy all'ICLAB": Goldsmith's Art - Painting - Sculpture - Fashion - Wine & Gastronomy - Handcrafts
June 6-7, 2018

"A Tavola con l'Arte": Tasting the Artistic Beauty II
April 21, 2018

"Donne nell'Arte 2018", the Contemporary Art Exhbition
March 1-18, 2018

"Un anno di Edera, un anno di cultura: Giorgio Bianchi, Sergio Staino"
December 23, 2017

"A Tavola con l'Arte": Tasting the Artistic Beauty I
December 15, 2017

"Gli Artisti e gli Artigiani della Toscana a Fabrizio Borghini": Award Ceremony
October 15, 2017

"Mostre Internazionali d’Arte a cura dell’Associazione Toscana Cultura"
December 17, 2016 – April 2, 2017

Events Archive

October 1, 2015
We are pleased to announce the winner in ex aequo of the International Concept and Design Competition:

Studio Arch. Ilenia Girolami and Studio Logo Snc

The Award Ceremony was held in Palazzo Coppini on the 12th of October at 10am. The projects that participated at the contest can be downloaded below and on
Download document: studio_girolami.pdf, studio_logo.pdf, almeida_pedromiguelestrelade.pdf, esen_gkezdamar.pdf, francesco_rappelli_alessandravezzi.pdfivytablante_darilag.pdf, kulenova_zhazira.pdf, nontawat_jittrong.pdf, rabsonjosephbota_iuliiabota.pdf

September 10-25, 2015
“Quando l'arte unisce i popoli”: Artists from the World in Florence for Expo 2015

September 15, 2015
Contest of Ideas for the new entrance of ICLAB (Intercultural Creativity Laboratory) - First Prize 1000€

Documents to be downloaded:

December 6, 2014
Christmas party with Prague Artists

Tales, laboratory with the Czech artist Pavel Piekar and the writer Lucie Křesťanová... and many other activities focused on Christmas traditions and creativity. The event is promoted by the Consulate Honorary of the Czech Republic in Tuscany and the association ARCA - Amici della Repubblica Ceca Associati, in colaboration with Istituto Comprensivo Pieraccini. At the conclusion San Nicholas with two angels and a devil arrived to bring some sweets and cakes to the children.

November 20-23, 2014
Costume Colloquium IV - Colors in Fashion IV

The 4th edition of the biennale Costume Colloquium brought also some workshop to the new ICLAB location!



November 10-13, 2014
Florence Youth & Heritage Festival

A festival to celebrate the intercultural dialogue, organized by the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco® and its Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism® in the occasion of the XVIIIth General Assembly ICOMOS 2014, hold in Florence in November 2014: exhibitions, stand, workshops, round tables with participants from many countries and with the special collaboration of Peru, Philipines and the Czech Republic.
Three Contests were part of the festival and their results were published at the platforms Life Beyond Tourism® and Florence Expo.

  • Artistic Exhibitions “1m3 SPACE” and intercultural Round Table discussions:
  • Creativity: Past, Present, Future (chairman: Namiko Yamauchi, Rohit Jigyasu)Sustainable Development: Travel for Dialogue (chairman: Michael Turner, Namiko Yamauchi)




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